Multi-Cluster Layer 4 Load Balancing with Fleet Manager

How to configure a multi-cluster layer 4 load balancer across multiple AKS clusters using Fleet Manager.

Posted on: Sep 6, 2024

Diego Casati

Diego Casati is a Principal Cloud Architect at Microsoft, on the Digital and App Innovation, Azure Global Black Belt Team.

Multi-Cluster Layer 4 Load Balancing with Fleet Manager

This guide demonstrates how to set up layer 4 load balancing across multiple AKS clusters using Azure Fleet Manager. We’ll create two AKS clusters in different regions (East US and West US), configure Virtual Network (VNet) peering between them, and deploy a demo application using Fleet Manager. The process covers AKS cluster setup, VNet peering, Fleet Manager configuration, and application deployment across regions.


+-----------------------+          +-----------------------+
|    AKS Cluster (East) |          |    AKS Cluster (West) |
|  Region: East US      |          |  Region: West US      |
|                       |          |                       |
| +-------------------+ |          | +-------------------+ |
| |   Application     | |          | |   Application     | |
| +-------------------+ |          | +-------------------+ |
|                       |          |                       |
+-----------------------+          +-----------------------+
          |                                      |
                        VNet Peering

             |    Fleet Manager (Hub Region)     |
  • AKS Cluster (East): A Kubernetes cluster deployed in the East US region.
  • AKS Cluster (West): A Kubernetes cluster deployed in the West US region.
  • VNet Peering: Virtual Network peering between the AKS clusters to enable communication.
  • Fleet Manager: Azure Fleet Manager deployed in the hub region, managing the application across both AKS clusters.

Create two AKS clusters

For this demo, we will create two AKS clusters in two regions: East and West.

Create the cluster in East US

export LOCATION_EAST=eastus2

# Create a resource group for the cluster in East US
az group create \
  --location ${LOCATION_EAST}

# Create an AKS cluster
az aks create \
  --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST} \
  --name ${CLUSTER_NAME_EAST} \
  --network-plugin azure

# get the cluster credentials (East US)
az aks get-credentials \
  --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST} \
  --name ${AKS_EAST} \
  --file east-aks

After the deployment, we need to save the cluster id. This information will be used later when we join the cluster to Fleet Manager as a member:

export AKS_EAST_ID=$(az aks show -n ${CLUSTER_NAME_EAST} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST} -o tsv --query id)

Now repeat the same process for the cluster in West US:

export LOCATION_WEST=westus2

# Create a resource group for the cluster in West US
az group create \
  --location ${LOCATION_WEST}

# Create an AKS cluster with Azure CNI
az aks create \
  --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST} \
  --name ${CLUSTER_NAME_WEST} \
  --network-plugin azure

# get the cluster credentials (West US)
az aks get-credentials \
  --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST} \
  --name ${AKS_WEST} \
  --file west-aks

# cluster ID
export AKS_WEST_ID=$(az aks show -n ${CLUSTER_NAME_WEST} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST} -o tsv --query id)

Create the VNets and peer them

Create the VNet for East US:

# Create VNet for East US and peer with West US
create_vnet_and_subnet "$RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST" "$CIDR_EAST" "aks-vnet-east" "$SUBNET_NAME_EAST" ""
SUBNET_ID_EAST=$(get_subnet_id "$RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST" "aks-vnet-east" "$SUBNET_NAME_EAST")

Create the VNet for West US:

# Create VNet for West US and peer with East US
create_vnet_and_subnet "$RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST" "$CIDR_WEST" "aks-vnet-west" "$SUBNET_NAME_WEST" ""
SUBNET_ID_WEST=$(get_subnet_id "$RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST" "aks-vnet-west" "$SUBNET_NAME_WEST")

Peer the VNets between East and West US:

# Peer VNets between East and West
peer_vnets "aks-vnet-east" "aks-vnet-west" "$RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST" "aks-vnet-east" "$VNET_ID_WEST" \
"$RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST" "aks-vnet-west" "$VNET_ID_EAST"

Create a Fleet Manager and add members to it

Add the fleet extension to Azure CLI

az extension add --name fleet

Create the Fleet Manager resource

# setup varibles for Fleet Manager
export FLEET=gbb-fleet
export FLEET_LOCATION=westus

# create the resource group
az group create \
  --location ${FLEET_LOCATION}

# create fleet resource
az fleet create \
  --resource-group ${FLEET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
  --name ${FLEET} \
  --location ${FLEET_LOCATION} \

Retrieve the Cluster IDs for East and West clusters:

# Retrieve Cluster IDs (East and West)
export AKS_EAST_ID=$(az aks show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST} --name ${CLUSTER_NAME_EAST} --query "id" -o tsv)
export AKS_WEST_ID=$(az aks show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST} --name ${CLUSTER_NAME_WEST} --query "id" -o tsv)

Now join both clusters to the Fleet:

# join the East US cluster
az fleet member create \
  --resource-group ${FLEET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
  --fleet-name ${FLEET} \
  --name ${AKS_EAST} \
  --member-cluster-id ${AKS_EAST_ID}

# join the West US cluster
az fleet member create \
  --resource-group ${FLEET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} \
  --fleet-name ${FLEET} \
  --name ${AKS_WEST} \
  --member-cluster-id ${AKS_WEST_ID}

Deploy the AKS store application

For this next step, we will deploy the AKS Store demo application to both clusters, East and West, using Fleet. Fleet Manager will work as a centralized hub, sending the configuration and deployment files to its member clusters.

Deploy the application:

# create the namespace for the application
KUBECONFIG=fleet kubectl create ns aks-store-demo

# deploy the application on both clusters thru Fleet
KUBECONFIG=fleet kubectl apply -n aks-store-demo -f
KUBECONFIG=fleet kubectl apply -n aks-store-demo -f aks-store-serviceexport.yaml

Create the ClusterResourcePlacement (CRP):

cat <<EOF > cluster-resource-placement.yaml
kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
  name: aks-store-demo
    - group: ""
      version: v1
      kind: Namespace
      name: aks-store-demo
            - labelSelector:
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                      - eastus2
                      - westus2

kubectl apply -f cluster-resource-placement.yaml

Create and deploy MultiClusterService (MCS):

cat <<EOF > aks-store-mcs.yaml
kind: MultiClusterService
  name: store-front
  namespace: aks-store-demo
    name: store-front

# Deploy the MultiClusterService resource
KUBECONFIG=east-aks kubectl apply -f aks-store-mcs.yaml

Testing the Application

Once the MultiClusterService (MCS) has been successfully deployed across the AKS clusters, you can test the application to ensure it’s working properly. Follow these steps to verify the setup:

Get the external IP address of the service:

After deploying the MultiClusterService, you need to retrieve the external IP address to access the service. Run the following command to get the external IP for both clusters:

KUBECONFIG=east-aks kubectl get services -n aks-store-demo
KUBECONFIG=west-aks kubectl get services -n aks-store-demo

Look for the external IP under the EXTERNAL-IP column for the store-front service.

Access the application:

Once you have the external IP addresses from both clusters, open a browser or use curl to access the application using the IP addresses:

curl http://<external-ip>

Replace with the actual external IP you retrieved from the previous step. The application should be accessible through either of the IPs.

Validate cross-region load balancing:

Since the MultiClusterService has been deployed across multiple regions, traffic can be balanced between the AKS clusters. You can simulate traffic from different regions using tools like curl, Postman, or load-testing utilities to confirm that the service is responding from both regions.

Verify service status:

You can check the status of the deployed services and pods on both clusters to ensure everything is running correctly:

KUBECONFIG=east-aks kubectl get pods -n aks-store-demo
KUBECONFIG=west-aks kubectl get pods -n aks-store-demo

Ensure that all services and pods show a Running status, indicating that the application is running across both clusters.

Remove the setup

To remove this setup, you can run the following set of commands:

# East cluster
az group delete --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP_EAST} --yes --no-wait

# West cluster
az group delete --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP_WEST} --yes --no-wait

# Fleet Hub
az group delete --name ${FLEET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} --yes --no-wait


In this guide, we successfully set up a multi-cluster layer 4 load balancer across AKS clusters using Azure Fleet Manager. By configuring AKS clusters in different regions, establishing VNet peering, and utilizing Fleet Manager, we enabled centralized management and deployment of services across clusters. This approach ensures improved availability and scalability for applications deployed across multiple regions.

For the full deployment script used in this tutorial, you can access the App Innovation GBB GitHub repository: Pattern - Multi-Cluster Layer 4 Load Balancer with Azure Fleet Manager.